Daily Archives: July 30, 2009

CERT Social Event

The concert in the park last Friday was well attended.  Just had to look for the green triage tarp and the green traffic cones with matching green balloons.  Good opportunity to get to know our fellow CERT members on a personal level.  Only downside was the unseasonably cool conditions once the sun slipped downwards.   This was also a public unveiling of the prototype CERT T-shirts (more info on that at the Aug team meeting).

Many thanks to Christy and Kimra Hulgan for organizing this, gotta do it again before summer’s over!

CERT in the news….kinda

KTVU carried a story on the Sunday evening news on a disaster preparedness event in Menlo Park.  Although CERT was not mentioned, they did interview a CERT person with her vest and hard hat on.  Click on the link to read the story and see the video.