Daily Archives: December 8, 2010

Datrex Emergency Food Bars

In my car I keep a AAA  disaster kit which includes food bars and water pouches made by Datrex.  These products are carried by Amazon.com ($8.59 for a three day food bar, $13.70 for three day supply of water).  I noticed that the shelf life on the food bar had expired so I wanted to share with everyone what the product looks like (but not taste).  Photos have been added to our album showing package and nutrition details, along with what the bars look like out of the package.

Here is what Datrex says:

With a shelf-life of 5 full years, our Emergency Rations are simply the best source of emergency nutrition available. Unlike MRE’s, which are high in sodium and only suitable for use by those with an extremely large pure water supply, our rations are low in sodium, balanced with our Emergency Water Pouches to provide full nutrition and energy 24 hours a day without dehydrating the consumer. Lightweight, compact, and portable, these rations will last an individual for 3 days, providing 4 meals each day. They are easy to digest and have a pleasing coconut cookie flavor. With such unbeatable nutrition, portability, and practicality, it’s no wonder the U.S. Coastguard has certified these Emergency rations for use anywhere. Rations contain coconut and wheat. Please consult your physician if you have any special dietary conditions such as active Crohn’s Disease or Diabetes. Young children can be fed a half ration, and ration can be mixed with water for babies and others with sensitive digestion or missing teeth.

New Photos Added to Album

I’m happy to see that someone besides me uploaded new photos to the CERT album.  Carol  added photos from both the holiday potluck and the Toy Drive events.  I have also added my own photos from the potluck.

Go check out the album if you have not done so already.