Tag Archives: is-100

Summer CERT Homework

Please take a few moments to review CERT materials and complete existing or new online courses, by doing so it will allow you to gain a greater understanding of CERT and disaster response.  Summer months tend to keep our members very busy, and with this in mind Redwood City typically does not schedule meetings or trainings.  With that said, Christy is requesting all CERT members to complete one of the below listed online training options. (once completed, please email, or mail a copy of your certificate to cadonis@redwoodcity.org, 755 Marshall St., Redwood City, CA 94063

CERT members are encouraged to keep your skills current by taking online refresher training available from FEMA.  All Redwood City/San Carlos CERT members who wish to be part of the active team need to complete both IS-100 and IS-700. 

IS-100.B Introduction to the Incident Command System, ICS-100
IS-700.A National Incident Management System(NIMS) An Introduction


Staying current:  If it has been over a year since your CERT training and you have not attended a meeting or training and would like a refresher course, you can take IS-317, it is a great way to refresh yourself in each of the CERT modules, or you can take just the ones you want.  When you have completed this course, and successfully answered the test questions you are also able to print a certificate of completion.  

IS-317 Introduction to CERT

New FEMA Course:  ICS/CERT Organization- training/refresher (Incident Command System).  We have previously offered our “How to set up an ICP training”, which has always been well attended.  There is now an online course allowing you to gain further knowledge, and for those of you who couldn’t make it to the classroom, please take the time to complete this course.  

IS-315 CERT Supplemental Training: the Incident Command System

Updated FEMA Training Links

FEMA has updated some of their online training and the links previously posted to this blog are no longer working (wonder why they just didn’t redirect you to the new course link…)

IS-100.b – Introduction to Incident Command System

Note: IS-100.b is an updated version of the IS-100.a course. If you have successfully completed IS-100 or IS-100.a, you may want to review the new version of the course. For credentialing purposes, the courses are equivalent.

IS-700.a NIMS An Introduction