Tag Archives: winter

New Photo Album Additions

Check out our CERT Photo Album for photos (thanks Christy) from the Redwood City Hometown Holidays event held on December 5.IMG_0246
Thanks to Sanya L, we also have photos from the November 14th Winter Storm Mitigation training event.

Precautions for Extremely Cold Weather

Dangerously low temperatures are in the forecast and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) wants individuals and families to be safe when faced with the hazards of cold temperatures.

“Subfreezing temperatures can be dangerous and even life-threatening for people who don’t take the proper precautions,” said Andrew Velasquez III, FEMA Regional Administrator. “It is important for everyone to monitor their local weather reports and take steps now to stay safe during times of extreme cold temperatures.”
During cold weather, you should take the following precautions:

  • Stay indoors as much as possible and limit your exposure to the cold;
  • Dress in layers and keep dry;
  • Check on family, friends, and neighbors who are at risk and may need additional assistance;
  • Know the symptoms of cold-related health issues such as frostbite and hypothermia and seek medical attention if health conditions are severe;
  • Bring your pets indoors or ensure they have a warm shelter area with unfrozen water;
  • Make sure your vehicle has an emergency kit that includes an ice scraper, blanket and flashlight – and keep the fuel tank above half full.

You can find more information and tips on being ready for winter weather and extreme cold temperatures at www.ready.gov/winter. You can also follow Ready online on Twitter at twitter.com/ReadydotGov and on Facebook at facebook.com/readygov.

Winter Storm Preparedness Tips

Familiarize yourself with these terms to help identify a winter storm hazard.
Freezing Rain – Rain that freezes when it hits the ground. It creates a coating of ice on roads, walkways, trees and power lines.
Sleet – Rain that turns to ice pellets before reaching the ground. Sleet also causes moisture on roads to freeze and become slippery.
Winter Storm Watch – A winter storm is possible in your area. Tune in to NOAA weather radio, commercial radio, or TV for more information.
Winter Storm Warning – A winter storm is occurring or will soon occur in your area.
Blizzard Warning – Sustained winds or gusts greater than 35 mph and lots of snow are expected at least three hours.
Frost/Freeze Warning – Below freezing temperatures are expected.

During a winter storm or under conditions of extreme cold:

  • Listen to your radio, TV or NOAA weather radio for weather reports and emergency information.
  • Eat regularly and drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration. Avoid caffeine and alcohol.
  • Avoid overexertion when shoveling snow. This can bring on a heart attack – a major cause of death in winter. If you must shovel snow, stretch before going outside and rest often.
  • Watch for signs of frostbite. These include loss of feeling and a white or pale appearance in extremities (i.e., fingers, toes, ear lobes and the tip of the nose). If symptoms are noted, get medical aid immediately.
  • Watch for signs of hypothermia. These include uncontrollable shivering, memory loss, disorientation, incoherence, slurred speech, drowsiness, and apparent exhaustion. If symptoms are detected, get the person to a warm location and remove wet clothing. Warm the center of the body first, and give warm, non-alcoholic liquids if the person is awake. Get medical aid as soon as possible.
  • Conserve fuel by keeping your home cooler than normal. Temporarily close off heat to some rooms.
  • Maintain ventilation when using kerosene heaters to avoid build-up of toxic fumes. Refuel kerosene heaters outside and keep them at least three feet from flammable objects.
  • Drive only if it is absolutely necessary.

The complete article can be read hereThis information has been provided for our CERT group’s use courtesy of GetReadyGear

Garbage Bags – Versatile Addition to Any Kit

Garbage bags, especially the large, heavy-duty 55-gallon type — are exceptionally useful in survival situations. Staying warm and dry is at the top of the list of priorities whenever you’re exposed to the elements, particularly if you don’t know how long it will be until you have access to shelter and heat. Cutting a hole in the top of a large trash bag and slipping your head through it instantly makes it a rain poncho. But that’s just the beginning of the uses of a garbage sack. They can also be used as protection from the sun or, if filled with leaves, as a pillow or mattress or simply as something to sit or lie on that will keep you from getting wet on the damp ground. Garbage bags can also be used to obtain essential drinking water. It can be filled with snow and left to melt, leaving a container full of water or deposited in a hole as a way to catch rainwater.

This information has been provided for our CERT group’s use courtesy of GetReadyGear

Winter Social Pictures

Photos from our recent Winter Social event have been posted to the CERT Photo Album.  Here are just a few examples.
2012 IMG_1047_SX2302012 IMG_1002_SX230  2012 IMG_1060_SX2302012 IMG_1039_SX230
I hope the attendees enjoyed the event as much as we (the Social Committee) did getting it all together!

2011 Winter Holiday Potluck

Lots of food and good company as over thirty CERT members from Belmont, San Carlos and Redwood City got together to celebrate another year of activity for our teams.  Several lucky winners went home with raffle prizes such as Red Cross Emergency backpacks.  A slide show of this year’s CERT functions played on a big screen for all to enjoy.  RCFD Battalion Chief Geoff Balton was nice enough to stop by and share a few words with the attendees.  Go to our CERT Photo Album to see what you missed out in.

Winterize Your Emergency Plan

Now is the time to check all of your battery operated devices such as flashlights, radios, GPS, etc.  Make sure their batteries are fresh and no corrosion has occurred.  Collect additional fresh backup batteries for all of your battery operated devices.  Review your emergency clothing.  With winter approaching it’s time to ensure you have adequate protection from the elements; good waterproof and insulated boots, gloves, hats and appropriate coats for your region.  To support potential evacuations, make sure your cars are winterized with adequate antifreeze, windshield washer fluid, chains and additional heating devices as required by your locale.  This is also a good time to start-up your emergency generator to ensure rapid starts during power outages that are sure to come.

This information has been provided for our CERT group’s use courtesy of GetReadyGear

CERT Winter Social Invitation

Hello Belmont/San Carlos/Redwood City CERT Members!   It has been another great year of growth for our team and to celebrate, we are having our annual Winter Social.

Hope to see you soon!  Go to the Activities page for details and information flyer.
Please RSVP by December 9th, to fellow CERT Volunteer Assistant Coordinator Terese Ruth: tcbsccert@aol.com